Update #5 Repairs Ongoing at BWA Station

Repair of the large-diameter main was completed early this afternoon but after the water was turned back on, another leak appeared on the main. While the teams on site are committed to work through the night to effect and complete the repairs, the Authority’s...

BWA Pump Stations Remain Offline due to Inclement Weather

Update #1  Today, Saturday, November 11th, the Barbados Water Authority advises residents of the St. George, St. John and St. Philip areas impacted by low-pressure or water outages that the stations supplying their districts remain offline. Due to the ongoing...

Ionics Conducting Emergency Repairs at Desalination Plant

Ionics Freshwater Ltd. has advised the Barbados Water Authority that emergency work will be conducted at the Desalination Plant on the Mighty Grynner Highway beginning at 8:00 am today on Thursday, October 12th. This work will only affect a part of the Plant’s...