Today, Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, the Barbados Water Authority advises that its teams continue to work around the clock to restore water to all areas.
As at 6:30 this morning, its teams had restored production capacity to 85 per cent.
While all pumps were secured due to the temporary shutdown and are in good working order, the Authority did sustain minor damage to some equipment as a result of the weather.
The BWA will continue to work to get production capacity up to 100 % by the end of today.
As before, whenever there is an island-wide shutdown, our distribution systems can take up to 24 hours to fully restore the water supply in all areas, depending on several factors.
In the interim, water tanker teams will continue to supply customers in the areas that are without a pipe-borne supply.
We also noted this morning that the Authority’s phone lines remain unavailable due to a fibre optic line broken by a felled tree, which has impacted our Supplier’s network.
We are advised that every effort is being made to restore this service. However, customers can contact the BWA using our emergency mobile backup numbers, 826-7736, 826-7746 & 826-7747, as a temporary measure.
The Barbados Water Authority apologises for any inconvenience these service disruptions have caused, and BWA will continue to share updates on the progress. (ENDS)
July 2, 2024