The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (the Centre) has received funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the purpose of implementing the project “The R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for Climate Resilience Wastewater Systems in Barbados (3R-CReWS) project” and intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards payments for the Contract “Consultancy to Develop and Implement a KAP Study, Grade Appropriate Educational Materials and training programme for 3R-CReWS project in Barbados” Contract #27/2024/GCF/BARBADOS -3R- CReWS/CCCCC.

 The Centre now invites interested and eligible consulting firms to submit proposals. More details on the services to be provided can be found in the Terms of Reference .

Requests for Clarification:  email to  Attention: Andrea Tillett, Procurement Officer. Requests for clarification should be received by the Centre no later than: Friday, 16th February 2024.

Interested firms are required to submit their Technical and Financial Proposal on or before 2:00pm (GMT-6), Friday,  29th February 2024.

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