The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) is advising that the Drought Prohibition or ban on excessive water use has been terminated as of August 31st, 2023.

This decision was based on the fact that the review of the present climatic conditions on the water resources on the island, showed that there has been a small but generally consistent improvement or recovery of the island’s groundwater levels and that the salinity levels along the West Coast have stabilized.

When examined in conjunction with the outlook from the Barbados Meteorological Services, which is predicting average rainfall levels in September and above average for October and November, this improvement is expected to continue as we progress into the rainy season. It is for these reasons, that the decision was taken to discontinue the Prohibition at the end of August 2023.

However, Barbadians are still being asked to conserve water as there is a possibility of a re-imposition of the Prohibition should there be a negative variation of weather away from the modeled forecast.

Enhanced monitoring of the Authority’s coastal wells along with weekly monitoring of the inland wells will continue.    (ENDS)