The Barbados Water Authority wishes to advise that today, Wednesday, September 20th one of its pumping stations in St George is currently offline due to a vehicular accident which damaged a pipeline connected to the system.

As a result, customers in Drax Hall, Drax hall Woods, Drax Hall Jump, Fairview, Fairview Heights, Farm Road, Free Hill, Greens, Jordans, Middleton, Newbury, Prerogative, Retreat, Rock Hall, Workman’s, Salisbury, St. Judes, Superlative, Workmans and surrounding districts may experience low pressure or outages.

A crew will be dispatched to carryout repairs. In the interim, water tankers have been dispatched to assist the residents in these areas.

The BWA apologises for the inconvenience this service disruption may cause.    (ENDS)