The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) is currently in the preparation and planning phases for the Bridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP) Upgrade. This project, which is a vital and sustainable water initiative and funded in part by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), aims to bring about a further upgrade of the existing Bridgetown plant located at Lakes Folly, Bridgetown.

This project entitled “The R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for Climate Resilience Wastewater Systems in Barbados (3R-CReWS) is being implemented by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (the Centre) and will see this plant moving from a secondary level plant, into a more futuristic Water Resource Recovery Facility.

As a part of the preparation for the funding application currently in progress, the Government of Barbados is required to conduct some public consultations meetings to present and discuss any queries concerning the Preliminary Design Report for the upgrade of the Bridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP).

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