The Barbados Water Authority today Wednesday, May 25th informs residents of some St. Michael and St. George areas that the Pumping Station supplying them is currently offline as crews repair a burst on a 6-inch main near the facility.

As a result, customers in the following districts may experience low pressure or a water outage

  • Airy Hill
  • Bourne’s Village
  • Dayrells Hill
  • Hothersal Turning
  • Jackmans
  • Lears
  • Lower Estate
  • Lower Estate Gardens
  • Mayfield
  • Parish Land
  • Rowans
  • The Glebe
  • Thorpe’s Cottage
  • Walkers


The Authority will make every effort to assist residents via tanker as a temporary measure.

The Barbados Water Authority apologizes for the inconvenience this service disruption today May 25th may cause. (ENDS)


May 25th 2022