The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) is pleased to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the BWA Reporting App. The app is designed to provide BWA customers with a more accurate and convenient way to report burst pipes, enabling prompt resolution of the issue.

Click Play on the video above to see the app in action!

With the BWA Reporting App, customers can easily report burst pipes and provide all relevant information required for speedy resolution. The app automatically pulls the location of the burst from the user’s device, with their permission. Customers can then submit additional details of the event, including their account number, phone number, and any comments that may assist with the resolution of the report.

“We are thrilled to introduce the BWA Reporting App, which is an exciting new tool for our customers,” said BWA spokesperson. “Our goal is to provide a seamless and convenient experience for our customers, and we believe that this app will help us achieve that.”

The App is now available for download on both iOS and Android devices. iOS users can download the app from the Apple App Store, while Android users can access it through the BWA website. Customers are encouraged to download the app and take advantage of its benefits to report burst pipes accurately and efficiently.