The Design and Construction of a 4,300 Metre Force Main Effluent Pipe for the
South Coast Sewage Treatment Plant – BWA/SC/FM-1/2023
The Government of Barbados, through the Barbados Water Authority (BWA), is desirous of constructing a 4,300-metre-long force main effluent pipe for the South Coast Sewage Treatment Plant located in Christ Church, Barbados. The BWA now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified entities to provide the design-build services necessary to facilitate the construction of the outfall.
The complete set of Bidding Documents, in English, will be provided to interested eligible bidders in electronic form upon email request to the BWA at the email address listed below. Documents will be promptly dispatched on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. BWA will not be held responsible for late delivery of the documents. The email must be clearly titled: “Request for Force Main Design-Build Bidding Documents”.
Bid proposals must be submitted by email with the name and address of the bidder, clearly listed in the body of the email and shall be titled “Force Main Design-Build Proposal – BWA/SC/FM-1/2023 (Name of Bidder)” and must be delivered to the email address below no later than 6:00 p.m. AST on July 18, 2023.
Bids must be accompanied by the required Bid Security in a freely convertible currency as listed in the datasheet of the bidding document. Late submissions may be rejected.
The BWA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of a contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for the BWA action.
The address referred to above is:
The Project Manager (Ag)
BWA Project Management Office
Barbados Water Authority
Pine Commercial Estate
The Pine, St. Michael