The Government of Barbados (GOB) has received Financing from the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments under the Barbados Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project for the “Development of a Potable Water and Sanitation Master Plan for Barbados”.

The GOB, through its executing agency, the Barbados Water Authority (BWA), now requests Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified consulting firms to develop a Potable Water and Sanitation Master Plan for Barbados that provides a comprehensive and holistic view of the protection and sustainability of water resources and responsible management of wastewater as well as encompassing climate change resilience, over the next thirty (30) years.

Payments by CAF will be made only at the request of the Government of Barbados and upon approval by CAF and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. No party other than the Government of Barbados shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Master Plan will include “strategies and an investment plan” for potable water and sanitation, options for wastewater reuse and designs for recommended actions and is expected to update, standardise design criteria, and consolidate activities carried out by BWA regarding drinking water and sanitation projects.

The contract duration is anticipated to be thirteen (13) months, with a commencement date in April 2023.

The maximum estimated budget for the assignment is USD 2,375,000.00

Consultancy firms from all countries are eligible to participate in this bidding process.

The Expressions of Interest proposals must be submitted in English and will be evaluated based on the qualifications and relevant experience of the firm.

The full Expression of Interest document, including further details on the scope of the project, minimum qualifications and technical capacity, can be accessed on the BWA website via the following link: