Brief On The Barbados Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (BWIRP)


The Barbados Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (BWIRP) is jointly funded by the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Government of Barbados (GOB). Loan Contract No. 87645 was signed between the Government of Barbados and EIB on May 15, 2020. The Barbados Water Authority is the Executing Agency for the project.

This project is in alignment with the Barbados Water Authority Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021, strategic imperatives listed below:

  1. Reduce non-revenue water.
  2. Enhance and update operational infrastructure.
  3. Implement water resource sustainability projects.

The objective of this program aims at improving the reliability and efficiency of the water supply distribution system as well as its resilience against climate change throughout the island.

The project also includes consultancy services associated to the investments (preparation of designs and supervision of the works) as well as capacity building activities and project management support to BWA. The EIB financing focuses on the water mains replacement component of the project, including the procurement of consultancy services to prepare the detailed designs and the supervision of these works as well as to support the BWA with the procurement activities.

The project will comprise the following investment components:

      1. Rehabilitation and cranes at three pumping stations
      2. Replacement of water mains, estimated at 16km in the central and northern areas of the island.
      3. Procurement of wastewater equipment to support the Sewage Treatment Plants.